Category Archives: Custom Software Development

9 Top Trends That Are Shaping Software Testing In 2022

The software testing sector is implementing advanced technologies to make the processes even more efficient. And these are the ones that shape it in 2022.

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Why Security Testing Tools Are Used for Mobile Apps?

Security testing tools are gaining increased popularity to ensure that data integrity is not compromised. Here is a quick read on it significance.

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11 QA Mistakes to Avoid During Software Development

Potentially hazardous QA mistakes throughout the software development process can hamper your software. So, ensure to avoid all these common mistakes.

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Consent Management Platform: How It Helps You Manage Customers’ Data

In order to use your customers’ data in a way they’re comfortable with, you need to have a consent management platform or system in place. Here’s how it works.

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Is Low-Code Software Development a Threat to Developers?

With the revolutionary eruption of the low-code software development drive, many developers are wondering what their future holds. Here’s the answer.

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