Category Archives: Custom Software Development

9 Lessons Learned from My Software Testing Journey

Read an interesting anecdote by a software testing professional as she describes 9 useful tips to succeed as a versatile QA tester.

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How to Plan Your Existing Custom Software Budget in 2023?

A software budget for your existing software platforms is a great way to tackle overspending, raise your app’s quality, and business competitiveness.

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7 Best Fastest File Sharing Apps for Uploading Large Files

Sending large files in a split second is not a big deal if you have smart file sharing apps. Check them out here.

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Impact of Software Development Technology on Future Grocery Retailer Prospects

Software development technology in the grocery retail sector is disruptive with a major impact on its future prospects and its worth knowing about it.

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4 Essential Features Of Contract Management Software

Contract management software can streamline your contracting business operations. Read our blog to learn more about the essential features of this system.

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