Category Archives: Artificial Intelligence

Autonomous Devices Are Here. Are You Ready?

We just can’t remain unprepared to face a highly automated future. Autonomous machines/robots are already making their presence across diverse realms of human activities. This is triggered by fast headways in Artificial intelligence (AI), IoT, and Data Science. Autonomous devices …

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How is AI Changing Small Business Accounting for the Better?

It doesn’t really matter how you view it — money is a mission-critical component of every small business. If you’re running a company, you cannot afford (in any regard) to let your finances get out of control, or everything you’re …

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How are Intelligent Apps Changing Our Daily Lives? Checkout 5 Great Examples!

It’s not an exaggeration when I say life without smartphones is unimaginable. Just imagine how we feel when we accidentally leave our phone at home. Don’t we feel completely cut off from the world though we are in the midst …

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Testing of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Can machines think and behave like humans or animals? From this question starts the life of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Artificial Intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. Nowadays, AI …

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