Category Archives: Artificial Intelligence

The Brain-Inspired Approach to AI – A Developer’s Guide

The brain-inspired approach to AI is gaining good traction for the endless applications it is capable of and worth exploring for a developer.

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Benefits of OCR Technology for Text Extraction

Here’s an insightful blog that explores the benefits that you get by using an AI-based OCR tool.

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The Role of AI in Hiring: How It Improves Team Coordination

Discover how AI in hiring improves team collaboration and leads to hiring the best candidates.

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AI for Business: Explore 7 Ways AI Helps Businesses to Excel

This blog on AI for business elucidates how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is finding a place and is getting executed in more and more business areas.

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7 Essential Tips to Effectively Manage Your AI Projects!

Are you considering taking up any AI projects? If yes, make sure to read this blog to get some inspiring tips to manage them smartly and effectively.

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