What are the Americans doing that we Europeans are not doing?Wat doen de Amerikanen dat wij Europeanen niet doen?Vad gör amerikanerna som européerna inte gör?Was die Amerikaner den Europäern voraushaben

About Hugo Messer

Hugo Messer is a Dutch entrepreneur, distributed agile team specialist, and author. He is the founder and owner of Bridge Global, a software services provider, and ekipa.co., an agile coaching agency. He has been building and managing teams around the world for the past several years. His passion is to enable people that are spread across cultures, geography and time zones to cooperate. Whether it’s offshoring or nearshoring, he knows what it takes to make global cooperation work.

2 thoughts on “What are the Americans doing that we Europeans are not doing?Wat doen de Amerikanen dat wij Europeanen niet doen?Vad gör amerikanerna som européerna inte gör?Was die Amerikaner den Europäern voraushaben
  1. I believe that it is in the mindset and the willingness to take risks. We in Europe has fallen back into some slumbering state since several hundred years back and have to wake up from that to do something about the situation. And I also think it has to do with the fact that we educate our children to be workers and not entrepreneurs with a burning desire to create and evolve. Then there are so many more venture opportunists in the United States and not to mention the risk founding and wealth that are actually there, and the lack of that in Europe as a general.

  2. In part mindset, and in part legal and HR environment. In Europe, it’s not as easy to lay those people off that you want to replace through a BPO provider. Many companies in the US have so-called “at will” employment contracts, which allow both sides to terminate the contract more or less immediately – usually with 2-week notice. Yes, severance may be paid, but still, the change can be implemented faster, which gives a larger ROI and larger incentive to grow BPO agreements faster.