Category Archives: Custom Software Development

SEO for beginners

narrative papers p>Search Engine Optimization The basic idea of Search Engine Optimization or in short SEO is to improve the volume and quality of the traffic to a website. And to achieve this there are few basic methods followed by …

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Magento stripped to bare – a contemplative guide on Magento features

eye glasses online Magento is one of the most used opensource e-commerce software. Around 50000 web-shops are running using Magento and some of them are even companies like Lenovo, Samsung, The North Face, Nespresso etc… So what makes Magento so …

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3 things to keep in mind while choosing your ecommerce software

There are a million ways to create an ecommerce web site or web application. And from all these choices the one you choose depends purely on factors like, Your product to sell Targeted audience Number of sales intended per day …

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Adobe CS5 – Many news for photoshop and co.

On April 12th Adobe launched a new version of Adobe Software –  Adobe Creative Suite 5 (CS5). To celebrate the launch of the new range of Adobe products and technologies, Bridge has sponsored an Adobe Launch Event that took place …

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Why We Don’t Write User Stories Anymore

There was a time when we were writing user stories to describe requirements. I’d say they worked fairly well for us. But we don’t do this anymore. We were using user stories as a technique which allowed us to describe …

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