How far can offshoring go? Hoe ver kan offshoring gaan?Hur långt kan offshoring gå?Wie weit kann Offshoring gehen?

About Hugo Messer

Hugo Messer is a Dutch entrepreneur, distributed agile team specialist, and author. He is the founder and owner of Bridge Global, a software services provider, and, an agile coaching agency. He has been building and managing teams around the world for the past several years. His passion is to enable people that are spread across cultures, geography and time zones to cooperate. Whether it’s offshoring or nearshoring, he knows what it takes to make global cooperation work.

3 thoughts on “How far can offshoring go? Hoe ver kan offshoring gaan?Hur långt kan offshoring gå?Wie weit kann Offshoring gehen?
  1. Speaking of the IT industry, the rate of offshoring will decrease when the onshore consultanties learn that they have to adapt and that the days of Massive Margins are over. However, in a connected world outsourcing will never go away so offshoring will be an important tool in a company’s outsourcing strategy.

  2. Of course one of the biggest challenge of offshoring is finding a suitable service provider. You may face risks of quality, customer dissatisfaction, intellectual property, etc., but as long as you can find a good one, it will certainly pays off. Offshoring is not just about cutting down costs, it’s also a lot about helping you to find more talents and unique ideas. So in my own opinions, the future of offshoring is not that doom :)