
Why life cycle demands professional programmers instead of students

Anyone attempting to setup a startup will be confronted with the problem of gathering sufficient capital to turn an idea into a sellable product. Once investors enter the startup they will demand a considerable chunk of the business in order …

We have a process, don’t we? We hebben een proces, toch?We have a process, don’t we? We have a process, don’t we?

22 September 2010 Offshoring

In the past years, I have been learning the hard way how important processes are as a basis for a company to grow. As an entrepreneur or manager, you set out to establish something, to work towards that point on …

The Swedish IT marketDe Zweedse IT marktThe Swedish IT marketThe Swedish IT market

16 September 2010 Offshoring

I have visited Stockholm this week to visit a few of our Swedish customers and to speak to some prospective customers. My general conclusion is that offshoring is even more important for the future of the Swedish IT industry than …

Offshore project management: how to manage your projectsOffshore project management: hoe uw projecten te managenOffshore project management: how to manage your projectsOffshore project management: how to manage your projects

3 September 2010 Offshoring

For years I have been trying to find the crucial aspects in offshore project management. Both in managing our own projects (during the period we also did fixed price projects for our customers) and in observing how our customers are …

What is more important: People or Process?

31 August 2010 Offshoring

At Bridge, we have recently summarized the key success factors in offshoring into 5 P’s: People, Process, Preparation, Performance, and Profit. Now I am always struggling to put either People or Process on the first place. Because without the right …

Saandhwanam – A small gesture for a better tomorrowSaandhwanam – Een klein gebaar voor een betere toekomst Saandhwanam – A small gesture for a better tomorrowSaandhwanam – A small gesture for a better tomorrow

27 August 2010 Bridge news

Santhwanam Orphange houses around 35 children, right from infants to teenagers. The kids, most of whom where found abandoned on the streets, fighting hunger are given a safe abode here. As the orphange is situated in an interior village, they …

People are stealing ‘our’ jobs?Mensen die ‘onze’ banen stelen? People are stealing ‘our’ jobs?People are stealing ‘our’ jobs?

25 August 2010 Offshoring

When I talk to people about offshoring, I often get the remark that offshoring destroys jobs in our country and foreigners steal ´our´ jobs. Often, the media write the same line of thought and people who react on articles feel …

The end of outsourcing?!

19 August 2010 Offshoring

Sometimes I feel very lonely in my vision on the future of outsourcing. Maybe the problem lies in the generic usage of the term ‘outsourcing’, but this week A.T. Kerney published an article with the title ‘the end of outsourcing …

Indians can’t say no, fact or fiction?

16 August 2010 Offshoring

I just read an article on a famous Dutch IT news site (webwereld)  about Indians not being able to say ‘no’. The article was based on an interview with another Dutch firm with an office in India. What strikes me …

Developers guide to SEO

real online casinos p>There is a lot that a designer or a developer could do to make a website search engine friendly. Search engine optimization for a website can be split up into three parts, 1. key word research 2. implementing these …

Twitter experiment reveals weakness Google

After it came to my attention that a lot of people use Twitter primarily to tweet about, let’s be honest, relatively unimportant and even boring daily activities, I started to ask myself what people found to be worthy of sharing …

The 5 key success factors in offshore software development

If you have considered outsourcing or offshoring software development recently, you may have thought about the key success factors to ‘make it work’. In the past years, I have gained substantial experience in how to (and how not to) manage …