Compatible with: 2.3.x,2.4.x
This is a Magento 2 Batch Code Extension tracking tool to track customers based on a specific product purchased. Create a batch code for products and search all customers and guests who have purchased a product with the given batch code. The module searches all orders in which a particular batch code involves.
Features of Magento 2 batch code- 3.0.0
- 1. Add batch code to each product
- 2. Create multiple batches for each product
- 3. Set priority to batches to control which product batch is used first
- 4. Option to manually select any assigned batch while shipping
- 5. Supports simple products, Configurable product, and Bundle product ( For Bundle products – Ship bundle items option should be selected as “separately” for selecting batch code while creating shipment )
- 6. Batch codes related to product inventory
- 7. Display of batch code in shipment details
- 8. Export/Import option
- 9. Add Batch codes in Packing slips
- 10. Improved Batch code grid
- 11. Added expiry date for Batch Code.
- 12. Added category filter to Batchcode
- 13. Added searchable select box for product.
- 14. Compatible with Magento2.4.7 and PHP 8.1
- 15. Return quantity to Batchcode while creating Creditmemo.
anumary –
very useful Extension